Cycling actually has the best style choices for retirees. Cycling has always encompassed a wide array of enthusiasts. All ages. Men and women. There are many varieties of cycling (commuting, touring, road, mountain, etc.) and each has somewhat distinctive gear and clothing. It is pretty easy to dress so you feel not only comfortable but fashionable.
Water sports? Not so much. Gear and clothing are designed with the teen through young adult in mind. You need to get creative to find clothes and gear that work for the physique (and personal style) of a retiree. Graphic designs that are favored by college students may or may not suit the personal style of people who can remember going to Janis Joplin concerts, wore bell bottom jeans and love beads, and owned original vinyl Bob Dylan, Cream, and Jefferson Airplane albums in their youth.
There are lots of swim suits, to be sure. But the swimsuit you might love for a day on the beach, sitting by a pool, or taking an easy swim, well, that suit might not be the one you want to wear if you are possibly going to hit the water at skiing speeds. Trust me. I can tell you this from experience.
My gear is a mix of things. A board short from Billabong. Very retro-looking full coverage top and bottom swim suits. A tankini that I had specially altered to assure it would stay in place under extreme conditions. And running knickers and a long-sleeve rash guard for days that are too chilly for a regular swim suit, but too warm for a wet suit. (I cannot tolerate chilly. Or at least I don't tolerate it gracefully. Same thing.)
I would recommend my lifestyle to anyone who wants a very active retirement. Glamour? None. Fun and excitement? Lots.
And it's never boring.
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A sense of humor is required for skiing as an older adult: you are going to look silly! |
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