Friday, June 22, 2012


We decided to go out this morning on the chance things would be good for skiing. It has been windy lately, and the winds have been from the northeast to east-northeast which puts maximum chop on our lake.
The rain has stopped for a while, and the dawn sun glows on wispy clouds.
We needed to run the boat, so the short ride to the lake was pleasant. The lake itself was choppy. We don't ski on choppy. Life is too short. We ran the boat a bit, then circled home, enjoying the birds and other critters along the creek.
A limpkin hunting snails and freshwater clams.
One of the local limpkins was searching for breakfast along the creek bank. Limpkins are a tad bigger than ibis, live in the marsh/swamp areas around here, and make a huge racket at any time of day or night. Having one of these birds living next to your house is an experience. Their call is an amazingly loud piercing wail, like the worst colicky baby ever.

But the real story is the rain. We've had a bit already, and there is a system in the Gulf that is intensifying. Regardless of which direction it heads, we will get rain this week. How much and for how long depends on its final direction.
A rain producing system is developing in the Gulf.

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