Friday, May 11, 2012

A Waiting Game

Our first ski is getting a bit more of a delay. My rheumatoid arthritis has become active again, and I need to get back on regular medication. The rheumatologist got all my testing up to date, and the office filed for insurance company approval for the meds. I'm not worried about getting approval, it just takes time as all the ducks get put in a row. I have no complaints: the medicine is crazy expensive. It's a case where insurance may be a pain, but it is a necessity, too. But until I'm back on the medication I am bouncing between brain fog and fatigue of the RA and the spacey sleep deprivation caused by the prednisone, the temporary medication that tamps down the immune system. At any rate, skiing -- or driving the boat for Al -- is a no-no till this is sorted out.

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